Monday, November 18, 2024

Caught in Lies

Below are links to articles on journalists who have been caught in lies. Read the two articles and complete a written response based on the questions below. Include a creative title for your entry and share with your teacher on Google Drive ( or Microsoft Word ( Remember to look at how your work will be assessed. The assessment is below the questions. This assignment is to be completed and shared by next Monday, November 25. Please Note: Next Monday's class will include an activity and discussion, so you will not have the class time to work on this assignment. 

The articles
Questions to use for your journal reflection:
  • Have you ever considered that the news you read (or watch or hear) may be factually incorrect or even fabricated? Explain why or why not.

  • What is your reaction to the two articles? Were you surprised to find out that professional journalists have fabricated news?

  • Journalist Jack Shafer writes “most liars make things up for the simple reason that they don't have the talent or the ability to get the story any other way.” Do you agree with Shafer's assertion? Explain.

  • Given what Shafer says, do you think that colleges and universities should make sure graduating journalism students can handle the responsibilities and pressures? Discuss your thoughts in your entry.

  • Do you think when issues of ethics arise that a news ombudsman helps? A news ombudsman is a professional journalist whose sole responsibility is to respond to reader complaints and provide an independent critique of the paper's performance. Explain why or why not. You can read the beginning of this article if you require additional information.
How you will be assessed on the following (5 pts each for a total of 20 pts):
  • Overall, the journal entry shows much thought and effort.

  • There are fewer than three grammatical errors or sentence structure issues in the entry.

  • Each question provided for the entry has been effectively addressed.

  • The entry was completed on time and includes a creative title.